Keto Brunch of Champions

I’ve been practising this concept of an awesome, nutritious brunch to kick-start my busy day. For last two years or so, I’ve sabotaged my keto efforts by often eating chocolate with sugar for brunch. Hedonism, what can I say.

I think if I show up authentically, this blog could turn into Confessions of a Peak-performance, Longevity-minded Hedonist with Methylation Issues

Sometimes, I went through long streaks of eating home-made, keto-friendly-sweetened chocolate fat bombs. This is kind of ok but actually I realized that coffee and cacao gets me wired and puts my system into over-drive and sets me up for burnout. 

Over a decade ago, I read on the website of artist Max Magnus Norman that he eats fish for breakfast. I was like, “how viking of you,” because I was still in my grain-based-North-American-vegetarian insanity mindset. Read: gluten is an opiate. Fifteen years later, here I am, loving fish for brunch.

Super Easy Keto Brunch of Champions


4-8 oz of pan fried salmon

1 hardboiled egg

1 avocado

When I can, I get salmon tails from the grocery store. They’re inexpensive and a great size. I personally like half a tail for breakfast. I prefer to keep my diet moderate in protein. Many people imagine keto as radical meat consumption. Some people go carnivore but currently, I actually like a lot of non-flesh foods and vegetables. I eat eggs and I think that broth and stock and organ meats are the shizza. 

I heat coconut oil in a pan at about 60 % heat. Then I place the piece of salmon into the oil, skin-side up. The skins are nutritious and high in collagen. I sear them uncovered for about 4 minutes and then I flip, lower the heat and cover the pan. I let them cook until they are cooked through, usually another 6 minutes. 

Serve with salt and lemon juice. Add hardboiled egg and avocado. This is a satisfying meal and I find it sets my brain up with high quality oils to fuel peak performance and creativity.

On a personal note:

Im not super strict about dietary ketosis. I really enjoy exogenous ketones to increase blood ketone levels and make sure that I get the health benefits of ketones.

For me, moderation is the key. No food is really off limits. I think that there are seasons when it makes sense to eat root vegetables, for example. I also find that once Im eating clean and my nutritional needs are met, I tend to want to keep eating clean. 

What are exogenous ketones ? Click here to learn what ketones can do for you:

About Renee Sekula

I teach you to nourish your creativity and power your peak performance with keto recipes, supplements and simple practises. In addition to promoting wholistic wellness for performing artists & entrepreneurs, I am a singer and song writer of psychedelic electronic rock music.