I teach artists & entrepreneurs to fuel their peak performance & creativity.


My name is Renee Sekula and I am a singer. My personal creative evolution has been intertwined with wholistic wellness. I have 15+ years of experience studying yoga asana, meditation & esoterica.


I grew up studying classical piano and singing but I felt stuck. I did well in school but always felt like an outsider. I experienced anxiety, depression, acne and disordered eating. My daughter is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. When I (finally) went grain-free, my life improved a lot !


Now, I feel good, I sound good & I look good. I am able to focus, I sleep well & I have energy. As a result of the challenges I have encountered, I know first hand the benefits that diet and lifestyle can create. I am so grateful for my journey and the treasures I have found.


In Key Wellness is where I share the lifestyle practises which fuel creativity and peak performance. I focus on food, supplements & simple lifestyle practises which bust through stuck and propel you towards your better self. It's time to live your dream, because you can.


After a decade of exploration and healing, I released my debut album of original psychedelic progressive rock music in 2018. Presently, I am putting the finishing touches on my second release, which is due out Fall 2020. Check out my music here: http://reneesekula.com


I also hold an Hons. B.A. in French & German Literature and 2/3 of a Certificate in Classical Singing. In addition to 15+ years of private music instruction, I have been involved with small business, content marketing and e-commerce of wholistic wellness products since 2013.




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